We're looking at slow growth and higher interest rates in 2016. Not your best scenario for making money in stocks. With market multiples near 20 times
Why Young Investors Should Love Dividend Stocks
More mature companies in more stable industries tend to pay dividends. Some might think that a younger investor would benefit more by owning smaller,
Tough Market
The third quarter was hard on investment portfolios. The S&P 500 was the best of the major indices, down 6.4% for the quarter and 5.3% for the
Test Time?
In my last post, "Got Volatility?" I proposed that the S&P 500 may be trying to establish a trading range between roughly 1800 and 2000, and that
Go Ahead and Fret if You Like
Good news on both the US and European economy today points to Central Bank tightening. All signs point to a Fed that will be very slow and very