It now seems we were premature in our December blog post about banks being well positioned and valued for the coming Fed rate hikes. Investors now
Cash Is Not Trash – Part I
Times of market and economic uncertainty more often than not present us with opportunities, but in this time of excruciatingly low interest rates
Well, so much for early year investment inflows and more new highs and fewer new lows in stocks pointing to market stabilization. I was wrong about
What’s Wrong With the Market?
Yes, the slowdown in China (to say nothing of the opaqueness of that economic system) and the headwinds created by rate hikes have increased
2016: A Sea Change for the Markets
Almost 10 years of near zero interest rates has ended with yesterday's FOMC announcement. Short term rates will rise to 1.375% next year from .375%
2016: Learn to Love Your Banks
The Fed is going to start raising short term interest rates very soon. Even though the Fed will continue to raise rates at a very modest rate over the
Tech and Biotech Have It All for 2016
We're looking at slow growth and higher interest rates in 2016. Not your best scenario for making money in stocks. With market multiples near 20 times
Why Young Investors Should Love Dividend Stocks
More mature companies in more stable industries tend to pay dividends. Some might think that a younger investor would benefit more by owning smaller,
Tough Market
The third quarter was hard on investment portfolios. The S&P 500 was the best of the major indices, down 6.4% for the quarter and 5.3% for the